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Pirate Wrestlers Show Their Skill at State Tournament


Sperry High School Wrestling continues its long tradition of sending pirates to the State Wrestling Championship and bringing back a champion. This year two grapplers qualified for the state meet, and both proved themselves worthy.


Talon Delk and Jesse Justice await their time to wrestle at the Oklahoma State Wrestling Tournament held February 28 and March 1.


Junior Talon Delk, wrestling in the 150 lb. category, finished his season with an impressive 30-12 record. After placing third at regionals, he was 1-2 at State, losing in the consolation semifinals, one match short of placing.


Sophomore Jesse Justice, wrestling in the 138 lb. category, finished his season with a 35-2 record. Jesse placed first at regionals and went through the State matches undefeated to secure his second state championship. Jesse looks to return next year to continue his journey to become another Sperry wrestler with four state championships.


Jesse Justice occupies the top position on the podium as coach Michael Orcutt stands to the right of the podium.