Sperry Site Teachers of the Year
Sperry Announces 2024-2025 Site Teachers of the Year
Sperry teachers at each site recently chose one of their peers who they believe represent the ideals and qualities that embody effective teaching in the 21st century. The elementary, consisting of grades Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade; middle school, consisting of 6th grade through 8th grade; and high school, consisting of 9th grade through 12th grade, each are represented by the individual who personifies the district’s motto of “Excellence in Education.”
Third Grade teacher Terri Wade is the Sperry Elementary School Teacher of the Year. A 25-year veteran of teaching second and third grade, she came to Sperry in 2011 where she has taught both second and third grades at various times. Ms. Wade has guided student teachers and served as a mentor to a first-year teacher at Sperry. Sperry Elementary School principal Traci Taylor said, “Ms. Wade’s continual contributions to our elementary school have made her a true asset to the entire district.” A former student noted that Ms. Wade “is one of the best teachers this or any other school could have.”
Delaney Fancher has is in her eighth year teaching middle school science. She currently teaches seventh and eighth grade science at Sperry Middle School. In just her second year at Sperry, Ms. Fancher certainly made a strong impression on her peers to have been chosen to represent them all. Sperry Middle School principal Mike Juby noted, “Ms. Fancher is a seasoned teacher who does an outstanding job in her discipline. She is very innovative and caring, and does an outstanding job in the classroom.” One of her students remarked, “She’s like a proton, always positive!”
Elizabeth Bryant has taught all but one of her 22 years in education at Sperry. She has taught mathematics at a wide range of levels, from sixth grade through eleventh grade, from remedial math to Advanced Placement courses. She currently teaches Pre-AP Algebra I, traditional level Algebra I and both Pre-AP Geometry and traditional level Geometry. Sperry High School principal Richard Akin observed, “Ms. Bryant’s wide range of teaching experience has given her the skill to be an effective educator for her students regardless of their skill level. We are lucky to have her here.” A student noted, Ms. Bryant explains the content well and thoroughly, and is always available to help students, not just the ones from her class.”
The site Teachers of the Year have each completed a District Teacher of the Year application with their personal biography, philosophy of teaching, and details of their experience as an instructional leader. The district’s Staff Development Committee will review each application and examine the qualities of each of the site representatives. After carefully reviewing the applications, the committee will announce the District Teacher of the Year later in the spring semester.