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7th Grade Syllabus


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7th Grade Eastern Hemisphere Geography

Mrs. Smart


Course Objective:  Students will study the eastern hemisphere of the world.  The focus of this advanced course will include the study of Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, and the Pacific Islands.  The state standards will be implemented and students are expected to learn the places, people, and events that have shaped this region of the world.  Students will take the state mandated testing at the end of the school year.


Course Grades:  Grades will be figured on total points.  Daily assignments, quizzes, homework, and notes will generally range from 20 to 50 points.  Chapter test, semester notebooks, and projects will be valued at 100 points.  Students will be required to pass a cumulative final at the end of the year. 


Class Supplies:


2 Small Spiral Notebooks for each semester or 1 large for both semesters              

Blue/Black Pens or Pencils

2 boxes of Colored Pencils

Pencil Sharpener

Pen/Pencil Bag

1 box of Kleenex 

1 roll of Paper Towels

*Clorox Wipes - optional

*Hand Sanitizer - optional


Class Rules:

1.  Students must have masks on if out of their seat. 

2.  Students must be in assigned seat after entering the room at 7:40 a.m. and each hour after. 

3.  Students must be quiet and prepared for class at the bell. 

4.  Students must have backpack secured under the student desk after class begins. 

5.  Students will bring required supplies to class everyday and cannot share supplies. 

6.  Students will raise hand and get permission to leave the desk and participate in classroom discussions. 

7.  Students will be allowed to have bottled water, but will not be allowed to have food and gum, except for breakfast in the classroom 1st hour only. 

8.  Students will treat the teacher and fellow students with respect. 

9.  Students will not be allowed to have any electronic devices in class except for chromebooks. Cell phones will be placed in the classroom where       instructed by the teacher. 

10. Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom unless it is an emergency. 

11. Students will not write on the desk and keep trash picked up before being dismissed. 

12. Students will not be allowed to bring trinkets to class, such as fidget spinners, cards, small toys, ect. 


Parents please e-mail me with any concerns or questions you may have throughout the school year.  You can also call me at the middle school and leave a message.  I will contact you either by the end of the school day or the following morning.

See you soon,

Mrs. Smart

dsmart@sperry.k12.ok.us / 918-288-7213